+255 759 114 593
Mwanamke Jasiri ia a project
we initiated to assist widowed women and single mothers after listening
to their challeges of facing abuse in their communities and enduring violence from their partiners,
which made them feel incapable of raising their children. We established mental health classes and enterpreneurial
training for them, grouping them into various fields
1.Production of natural soap
such as rice soap, Tamarind soap, Aloe vera soap, Baobab soap and turmeric soap.
2.Modern poultry
farming for meat, egg-laying, and indigenous chickens.
3.Nutrition Couseling
4.Vegetable Farming
5.Peanut Butter Production
6.Wine Making
7.Processing Chili peppers.
8.Cake Baking.
9.Modern mushroom farming
10.Production of batik, beaded bags, and dresses.
Ths project has greatly helped these women achieve financial independence, supporting their families and avoid
abuse and violence. So far we have uplifted 300 women with a target of reach 1000 women by december 18,2025
. We started on february 18,2021 with 50 women and now we have 300 womens.
As continue with our projects we seek various equipment to continue and expand our projects such as
1. Soap Making Machine, It costing $18,000 and Necessary chemicals costing
2. A 3-hectare Vegetable Farming Plot costing $6,000,
, along with greenhouse technology costing $5,000 for seeds and pesticides,
to uplift 200 women over 6 months, Currently we lack a farming plot, and we want to
invest in greenhouse technology to increase income.
3. poultry Farming has greatly uplifted women, but we need a dedicated areas
for it. We have been renting a space costing $10,000, which could uplift
100 women over 6 months
4. Mushroom Farming requires a special attention and education which we provide
through SIDO specialized training costing $150,00 for 30 women. Aim to uplift 200 women
through education and projets implements over 6 months, with operational cost totaling $25,000.
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